Remember Our Soldiers
And Their Families
In memory of
Lance Corporal William (Billy) Craig Koprince, Jr.
who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
Photos Courtesy
of Joshua Massengill, U.S. Coast Guard (Sitka,
Alaska - Flight Corpsman) |
- SGT Frank Allen - Korea
- Derek AuBuchon - Langley Air Force Base
- Joshua Daniel Babb - Army, South Korea
- Sgt. William D. (Billy)
Bacon, Army National Guard
- Sgt. Jeff Beaty, US Marine
- Tait Beaty (deployed)
- Thomas Benz - Navy, Cuba Guantánamo Bay
- SGT Lucas Stephen Blair, National Guard
- Bryan Blakeney
- National Guard - Deployed
- Barry N. Blanton, 2nd Class, Balad, Iraq
- SSG Larry W Bledsoe HHT 2/278th
Currently Serving in Iraq with his grandson
- Jimmy Bolt - South America
- Mario Castillo - Marine (Haiti)
- Ken Charmichael (deployed)
- Jacob Chapman
- SGT Timothy Chilson (deployed)
- Joey Collet, Air Force -
currently stationed in Japan
- SGT. Randy Cooley TNARNG
- Corp. Robert Cornett, Jr. (deployed)
- Robert Crawford, TSgt, Mountain Home AFB
- David Creech
PFC Jacob Curtis, United States Army, K-16 South Korea
- Jeremy Curtis - Air Force
- Andrew Christian Davis 2-17 FA deployed
- Allen Ross Day 278th deployed
to Iraq
- Ryan Dobbs (deployed) Iraq - Has returned
to Fort Bragg
- Sgt. Benny Dodson
(deployed) Iraq
- Lt. Col. Brian Dutton,
(deployed) Iraq
- Tommy Eason, (deployed) Iraq
- Captain Brian Frederick and wife, Captain
Jackie Frederick - Air Force (Alaska)
- Spc. Cory Fletcher, Army National Guards
- Jeremy France, Air Force
- Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Quinton
Geagley ( RDC at RTC Great Lakes)
- Steven Gilland, Jr - National Guard -
- Darren Goodman
- Jess Guldan, Navy
- PVT Justin Hall,
Army, 501st Airborne, Anchorage Alaska
- SFC Mark Hargis, 844th (deployed)
- SGT Justin Harris (deployed)
- Spc. Wm. Shawn Hart Svc.Btry.
1/278th RCT deployed Iraq along with his father
Lt. Colonel Wm. Mark Hart
- Brandon Hetrick (deployed)
- Brittany Hodge - Army, South Korea
- Scott Huskey
- 2nd Lt. Samuel Johnson, U.S.M.C.,
Fallujah, Iraq
- Steve Johnson, 1SGT, TNARNG
- Craig Jump (deployed) Germany
- Staff Sergeant Jeff Keaton 1/278
- Amy Kidd - National Guard - Kuwait
- Spec. Matthew Lands (deployed)
Jacob R. Lane Army/ National Guard (deployed)
- Sgt. Darren Lawson, US Army
- CW2 Timothy C. Lawson
- Arthur "Doc" Leger - 3/278th (deployed)
- Daniel Lewis, 25th Aviation
stationed in Hawaii, currently deployed in Iraq
- SGT Tony Lindsey, Army National Guard
- Adam Luttrell (deployed)
- Roy Mabry, 278th, Iraq
- Andy Massengill, U.S. Coast Guard (Mississippi)
- Joshua Massengill, U.S. Coast Guard (Sitka,
Alaska - Flight Corpsman)
- Bobby McCown
- Petty Officer 2nd Class Jeremy McNally (USS
- Sgt. Lee Micheau, Army, Iraq
Nathan R. Miller, Marines,
Okinawa, Japan
- Chris Milsaps, Army, PFC (deployed)
- Robby Mitchell
- Brandon Mize
- National Guard - Deployed
- Matt Morgan - United States Navy (Serving
on the George Washington)
- Greg Murdock
- Daniel Park, Air Force, Iraq
- Christopher Presnell (deployed)
- Jennifer Pendleton, PFC, Ft. Wachuka, AZ
- Spc. Mikel Phillips, 278th National Guard,
deployed Iraq
- Willie Pretiger, Jr, Navy
TSgt Stacey L. Ragsdale
- Capt. Monica
Moats Ridernour, TNG 278th Iraq
Bryan Rollins (Deployed) USAF
Petty Officer Ryan Reuss - Has completed
his tour of duty
- SPC Richard Rutherford HHT 2/278th
Kingsport TN
- Adam
Sarten - National Guard
- Sgt. William Wayne Sawyer, Camp
Shelby, MS 1/278th ACR, Iraq
- Jake Scarborough, Marines
- Travis Selvidge - National Guard -
Chris Singleton, Marines, Camp LeJeune, NC
- Dinah
Scott - Army
- Tenieka
Sherrell, Air Force, Washington, DC
- SSG Charles Smith, 278th, Iraq
- Maj. Gary Dean Smith (deployed)
- PFC J.C. Smudrick, Iraq
- John Stevens, Deployed to Iraq (Stationed
in Delaware)
- Anthony Stinnett, Navy
- PFC Nathan Tyler Stinnett (deployed) Iraq
- Lt. Col. Rick Sullivan (deployed)
- Senior Airman Shane Swearingen of Loudon
Swinney, 82nd Airborne at Fort
Bragg, NC
- SPC Jereomey Tewalt
(deployed) National Guard 278th
- Spc. Christopher Thomas, HHT 2/278th RCT
- CDT Meghan Tidwell, USAR, 489th CA BN
- Sgt. Josh Todd,
US Army , 155, Iraq
- Specialist Michael K Veit 1/278th ACR
- ssg Lawrence Victor 3/69 Iraq
Sgt. George B. (Bo) Walsh 278th
National Guard deployed to Iraq
- Patrick Watkins
- Staff Sgt. Herman Webb, Camp Shelby, MS
1/278th ACR Lenoir City, TN (soon to be deployed)
- Sgt. Kelo Whitmire, 278th, Iraq
- Sp. Gary Wood, 2/278th, Iraq
- Jonathan Woods - Marines - Deployed
- Michael Wooden, 278th, Iraq
- SPC Tony Younger, Ft. Eustis, VA
If you have a friend or family member from Lenoir City or Loudon County and would like to list them, email their name to Sarah
Shaver. |